Spruce Mountain Trail, Larkspur CO (Repeater) 9/26/13

A couple of weeks ago I had the best visitor in town….my sister!  While we were planning her visit, she let me know she wanted to see more of Colorado and to see it the way I have been seeing it, by hiking.   We only had 5 days to visit and hike, so likeContinue reading “Spruce Mountain Trail, Larkspur CO (Repeater) 9/26/13”

Spruce Mountain Trail (open space), Larkspur Colorado 5/26/13

Spruce Mountain Trail> Spruce Mountain Loop> Access Road> Spruce Mountain Trailhead Starting Elevation: 7127Ft. Highest Elevation: 7568, for 550 feet elevation gain, but there is some up and down to if you do the loop I think you get closer to 650 ft Trip Length: Officially 5.5 miles and that is about what my fitbitContinue reading “Spruce Mountain Trail (open space), Larkspur Colorado 5/26/13”