Hiking repeaters over the weekend of 5/31 & 6/1/14

My usual hiking buddy was not available for a Saturday hike so I leaned on one of my friends…. and frankly kind of tricked her.  At first I was all sweet, I will pick something easy but with good views…something close.  But Lisa has been working out like crazy so after a few probing questionsContinue reading “Hiking repeaters over the weekend of 5/31 & 6/1/14”

Hells Hole Trail #53, Idaho Springs CO hiked 10/26/13

Hell’s Hole Trail #53 Starting Elevation:  9600Ft Highest Elevation: 11,578 Ft ( total Elevation gain was around 2200 ft.) Hells Hole is actually at 11,200 but we went past and above it. Trail Length:  I read anywhere from 8-10 miles on the accounts of it I could find.  My fitbit was close to 10 milesContinue reading “Hells Hole Trail #53, Idaho Springs CO hiked 10/26/13”

Chicago Lakes Trail #52, Arapahoe National Forest – Idaho Springs CO 8/10/13

The Chicago Lakes Trail #52 Starting Elevation: 10,650 ( Lowest point of the hike 10,320) Highest Elevation: 11,740 ( Lower lake at 11,420ft.  Total elevation gain approximately 2000ft) Trail Length:  Officially I saw everything from 9-10 miles, my fitbit said we went 11 miles but we did walk around the upper lake a lot. TrailContinue reading “Chicago Lakes Trail #52, Arapahoe National Forest – Idaho Springs CO 8/10/13”

Butler Gulch, Empire/Idaho Springs CO 9/8/12

Butler’s Gulch Trail Starting Elevation:  10,500ish Final Elevation :  11,900+ if you go all the way to the Jean Mine  ( 1400 ft elevation gain) Trip Length: 6 miles round trip, if you aren’t over protective of your lower carriage civic that doesn’t seem to like the way the road looks after the parking lots.Continue reading “Butler Gulch, Empire/Idaho Springs CO 9/8/12”